“Just” a Stay-at-Home Mom
Easy DIY 1 Year-old Bday Cake
This cake can take as little as 5 minutes to decorate! I am always on the lookout for ideas that are cute and EASY. Easy is definitely the key word here. Even with only 1 kid (I know some of you are juggling 2, 3 or more!), I don’t want to spend any more…
DIY baby squeeze packs for a 1-year-old
I know some people roll their eyes at the thought of how much time you must have in order to “waste” some making baby food. However, I have found it to be the total opposite. If I take about 2 hours, I can make enough food to last me a month! Now that Chunky Monkey…
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only mom that has no idea what she is doing
Do you ever see other moms at the grocery store or at the library and think, “Am I the only mom that seems to have no clue what I’m doing”? The latest source of this self-talk for me has been gosh darn toddler clothing! Those things have me baffled. I seriously feel like I’m back…
Today I threw poop at the wall!
Oh boy. Today was…funny. I was getting my son into the bath and quickly took off his diaper while he was standing. I had changed him so recently I just assumed there wasn’t anything in there. I bundled the diaper in a heap and left it on the ground. When bath time was done, I picked…
Got any book recommendations?