when to start toilet training

Montessori Monday: Toilet Training

So….I’m interested in starting toilet training for our 20-month old.

I have been reading “Montessori From the Start” throughout Chunky Monkey’s first 2 years,
and embraced most of the ideas.  Unfortunately, I became a floor bed drop-out though, and I’m nervous that early toilet training could end up being another “floor bed idea” (as my husband says).

I just started getting a gut sense that our little man was ready to use the potty recently.  Well, maybe this influenced me a bit (ha!):

potty video

So I started doing some research.  Montessori theories often recommend toilet training around 15-18 months of age, instead of the typical Western age of 2-3 years old.  What is a mom to do?  I think I am going to follow my instincts and at least give it a try.  I bought him some big boy underwear and plan to go with a method that blends ideas from “Montessori from the Start” and ideas about non-coercive potty training from Godiaperfree.com.

Those of you who have done it before, I would LOVE your input.  Otherwise, I’ll let you know how it goes soon enough.:-)





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