I think it is super important to take a mommy “vacation” for some self-care, if you have a support system that will help you to do this.
3 weeks ago I took my first trip away from my little “Chunky Monkey” (1 year old), to have a girl’s weekend with my mom and some friends at Westminster Woods Camp and Conference Center.
1st off, I have to give a shout out to “The Woods” (as we call it), for being one of my favorite places in the Universe. It is a peaceful adorable place in the redwoods of Norther California, where I have made memories since I was 2 years old. I used to go there as a summer-camper, then I went as a high school volunteer, and then as a college summer staffer. So, going back is like returning “home”.
The speaker at this Women’s retreat was Sheila Denton of the Unique Self-Coaching Collective. She is amazing! And since you couldn’t all be there to benefit from her amazing ways of leading us all into a more centered place, I want to share some of her wisdom with you.
1. She asked great questions. Great ones for anyone to ask themselves. Take 1-3 minutes to let your pen free-flow to complete each of the following statements:
- “When life looks like I want….”
- “When I do what my heart wants, it feels like…”
- “When the Earth is peaceful place, everyday I experience…”
- “What would be possible if these feelings were allowed to grow and become stronger?”
Hmmmm….juicy stuff to chew on, huh?!
2. Then we looked at the things we had written in the first 3 statements and circled the first 3 words that jumped out at us. Mine were “Simplicity, Calm, and Present”. She asked us to consider, “What is important about these 3 words that I may not have considered before?”
For me, these 3 words are the ones that I want driving my intention each day as a stay-at-home mom. These 3 words have been echoing in my mind over the past 3 weeks in a pleasant haunting sort of way. They are almost ever-present with me, and continue in busy/hectic moments to pull me back to “center”.
3. Trust your “knowing” (deep in your core), even if you don’t understand it.
4. Becoming more centered is more about subtraction than addition. Take away the adrenaline, addiction to constant “doing”, etc.
How do you stay centered? I’d love to have you share. Leave a comment below!
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